Friday, July 27, 2007

Note to Lindsay: 'denial' is not a river in Egypt

This Week’s Top Scrooge - July 27, 2007


Confession of sins doesn't come easy for some, even when the sins are staring you straight in the face.

Case in point, actress Lindsay Lohan, accused of drunken driving and cocaine possession after her second arrest in a month, has denied she was taking drugs. Not only has she denied taking drugs, she has denied she drove the car in which the now-famous car chase took place.

Just before Lindsay Lohan was arrested early Tuesday morning, she commandeered a car and took three men hostage -- this, according to the three men who were in the car with her. I viewed the testimony of the three men at and the dudes account of the evening seems credible.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


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Wrong Turn: Pope Benedict XVI Detours Salvation Through Catholic Church

By approving a document saying non-Catholic Christian communities are either defective or not true churches, and the Roman Catholic Church provides the only true path to salvation, Pope Benedict leaves someone behind - Jesus!

This Week’s Top Scrooge - July 13, 2007


There are some weeks when picking a number one bonehead (This Week's Top Scrooge) is really tough.

This week isn't one of them. Pope Benedict XVI wins the dishoner hands down, no questions asked, slam dunk, done deal, finito.

The easy pick is made possible by this: Reports came out Wednesday that Pope Benedict XVI approved a document late last month saying non-Catholic Christian communities are either defective or not true churches, and the Roman Catholic Church provides the only true path to salvation.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

For this American, patriotism means prayer

July 4, 2007


Patriotism can be a two-edged sword. To some it's love of country. To those on the outside looking in, it could be seen as arrogance.

I know that some don't care for George W. Bush's patriotism. They see it as arrogance. He promised to hunt down Al-Qaeda and to some, that seemed a bit harsh. Perhaps those patriotic Americans think it's understandable that Al-Qaeda members have a hatred toward the U.S.

Perhaps those patriots who love our country have a better idea. I haven't seen one yet.

Read more: For this American, patriotism means prayer

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

For Rosie…a blog is a dangerous thing

O'donnell's "A picture is worth a thousand posts" depicts her 4-year-old girl wearing ammo belt

This Week’s Top Scrooge - June 29, 2007


I slept on it and I still don't get it. Why would a woman so anti-war, display a photo slide show of her child dressed to an exact mirror image of the images we see coming out of the Middle East - terrorist indoctrination camps parading children in militia gear?

Thought provoking? Well, yes. But at what cost?

Rosie O'donnell's idea of "art" is strange indeed. You see, that is how she is defending her post, by calling the photos "art". Once again, the Rosie Alert level is set at high.

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