Friday, October 12, 2007

Mrs. Fields Scrambles to Add Christmas to Online Site

Type in “Christmas” into the Mrs. Fields website search box and you get a page that states: “Sorry, no records were found with the search parameters you provided. Please try a new search now.” (See UPDATE)

This Week’s Top Scrooge - October 12, 2007


Pity, apparently some of us are shopping Christmas gift ideas now and thought cookies, maybe even Mrs. Fields cookies, would make a good gift…especially if they were Christmas-themed.

At least that was the case laid out recently by the American Family Association (AFA) in an Action Alert email headlined “Mrs. Fields bans Christmas from their products.” The alert stated that “Diane H. of Michigan called Mrs. Fields and asked to speak with a supervisor in customer service about why they banned Christmas, the supervisor told Diane that they do not offer anything with Merry Christmas because they don’t want to offend anyone.”

AFA has been monitoring these sort of Christmas shortcomings by retail companies for three years. The first one on its radar this year? You guessed it…Mrs. Fields...(READ MORE/BLOG)

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