Just wanted to give you a heads up on some very good programming on CNN and CNN.com.
Here's a CNN Editor's Note: ...a series of reports CNN.com is featuring from an upcoming, six-hour television event, "God's Warriors," hosted by CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour.
You can watch and read awesome stuff right now even though the series is Aug. 21-23.
Go to http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/gods.warriors/
and for the first report headlined "Rejecting radical Islam -- one man's journey" go to http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/15/daveed.godswarriors/index.html?eref=rss_topstories
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Friday, August 17, 2007
CNN: 'God's Warriors'
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7:44 PM
Labels: Christiane Amanpour, christianity, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, education, faith, islam, judaism, media, political, theology
Latest: This Week's Top Scrooges
1-800-FLOWERS Lawsuit: Texas Man’s Dirty Laundry Aired in Public…World!
Note to Lindsay Lohan: ‘Denial’ is Not a River in Egypt
Time Running Out on Falcons Quarterback
Wrong Turn: Pope Benedict XVI Detours Salvation Through Catholic Church
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2:37 PM
Labels: Alexander, celebrity, crime, denial, entertainment, Hugo Chavez, Lindsay Lohan, media, Pope Benedict XVI, Sean Penn, This Week's Top Scrooge, Venezuela
Shopping for Shoes Online...Two Toes Up!
Shoes are my personal favorite thing to shop online for. Why? I found shopping for shoes online much easier to navigate than visiting your local shoe store and dealing with the typical hassles found there. There's no waiting for the salesman to come out of the back room with your size here!
So, I give shopping for shoes online Two Toes Up!
MyConsumerGuide has compiled the web's top footwear merchants. From dressy to casual, boots to sandals, you'll find it all here.
Go to MyConsumerGuide's shoe catalog page now!
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11:20 AM
Labels: FootLocker, MyConsumerGuide, opinion, Shoebuy, shoes, shopping, Zappos
Crandall Canyon Mine: Mountain Bump or 'This Mountain is Collapsing'?
“I don’t think I’m going too far to say that this mountain is collapsing in slow motion.” - Lee Siegel, University of Utah seismograph station spokesman
As rescuers in Huntington, Utah suffer the loss of three of their own and the fate of the six trapped is still unknown, something strikes me as odd.
Read Full Story/Blog
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Alexander, Crandall Canyon Mine, earthquakes, mountian bump, news, opinion, seismic activity, seismology, Utah