A Tree of Knowledge
Atheists in Philadelphia have apparently chosen Christmas time to start their own tradition of putting up a cut pine tree…only instead of Christmas decorations, the tree is adorned with book covers.
The Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia's ‘A Tree of Knowledge’ is displayed at the Chester County Courthouse beside three traditional holiday displays.
Ah yes, “A Tree of Knowledge”…nothing brightens an atheist’s “holiday” time more than a tree decorated with copies of covers of books, including “Why I Am Not A Christian,” “Why I Am Not a Muslim” and “Judaism Beyond God.”
Oh, yes, there’s a cover of the Koran and Bible, too! What a gloriously all-inclusive holiday this is!
Despite a large portion of Americans giving reverance to the Christmas tree and it’s relation to a holy day in the Christian calendar, none have called for the members of the Freethought Society to be whipped, jailed, or even executed.
The Tree of Knowledge stands next to three other religious displays and as the group’s president Margaret Downey said, is “welcoming to agnostics, atheists, humanists, skeptics, rationalists of all kinds.”
This from The Philadelphia Inquirer:
As there was last year, there is also a Chamber of Commerce tree - 32 feet high - meant to attract shoppers, as well as a Christian creche and a Jewish menorah.
When told of the Freethought display, Colin Hanna, a former county commissioner whose organization - Pennsylvania Pastors Network - is sponsoring the creche, said, “Their intention is to use the courthouse to make a political statement?
“That seems to me a pretty fundamental perversion of the purpose of holiday displays . . .”
Downey said her display, which she is calling “A Tree of Knowledge,” is decorated with covers of works such as the Bible.
“The reason we advocate reading the Bible,” she said in an interview, “is because so many people become atheists upon completing the entire reading of it.”
What a loving group this is! What a “thoughtful” group, too! Never mind that many more become SAVED after reading the Bible, deciding to accept Jesus Christ!
I have no problem with the Tree of Knowledge going up whatever time of year. I think it’s a great time to ask atheists what they are so really angry about. Why do they have to mock Christmas and Christians (apparently really dumb because they don’t read enough books)?
I’ll tell you what, Freethought Society. You go ahead and put “free thought” above all else and we’ll see where your best thinking gets you.
As for me, I’ll be happy to recognize that I’m really not that smart, but for the grace of God.
I’m happy to recognize something else as well:
I’m living in a country where no one is calling for your heads, even for such obvious mockery.
- Alexander, TheScroogeReport.com
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