Friday, October 5, 2007

Big Boy, WKQI-FM Darken Radio with Britney Suicide Watch Contest

WKQI-FM 95.5 Detroit’s Britney Suicide Watch

This Week’s Top Scrooge - October 5, 2007


Poking fun at people can be fun. How many of us have wisecracked about Britney Spears? Maybe you were not the originator of a Britney "observation", but you're certainly up on her recent trials and join the finger pointing with seemingly the entire nation about her weak parenting skills.

How can we not help but shake our head as we are deluged every day with her tabloid headline making actions?

That said, DJ Big Boy and radio station WKQI-FM, better known as Channel 95.5 in Detroit displayed gross insensitivity when they announced a "Britney Suicide Watch" contest Tuesday night...