Thursday, December 18, 2008
'Tis the Season!
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11:02 AM
Labels: Alexander, headlines, media, news, The Scrooge Report
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Shop and Save My Job!
Here's a bailout plan you can believe in! I'm not talking government handout or not even asking taxpayers for money. This bailout plan is for myself. I just need a little nudge along the lines of something you may already be doing or plan to do...
Why do I need a personal bailout? I may be out of a job unless my company's profits start looking better. And the books needs to look better in the next 3 weeks or I'm adios. Want to help in a small, but big way? Just shop at MyConsumerGuide.com.
Go to MyConsumerGuide.com and buy something. Anything! The commisssion generated through the sales goes to the company I work for...and thus, I still get paid and have a job!
If you are an online shopper, MyConsumerGuide.com is a great place to quickly search what you are looking for. You'll read a quick review (if you choose) of the store or product and be browsing for what you want in seconds!
Look for online specials, coupons, free shipping codes and more by simply clicking here: MyConsumerGuide.com. That's where I would start if I were doing my shopping now.
If you are not an online shopper, why not start now! No lines, great deals, quick access to products you want, save gas, avoid shoppers in bad mooods, and so on! MyConsumerGuide.com leaves you time for other more important things...like being with family and enjoying the holidays.
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Best wishes to all!
P.S. You will not be tracked, hunted down, or bugged. You will not be spammed either. You have my word on it. Just shop at MyConsumerGuide.com!
MyConsumerGuide.com is your personal consumer guide to the best online. Our mission is to find the best sites, the best services and the best companies to help you make educated buying decisions. Although it would be impossible for us to try and test every service and site we recommend, we do this as often as possible. MyConsumerGuide.com is growing rapidly every day. And every day, thousands of consumers like yourself rely on us to help with their purchasing decisions. Check back with us often, as we add new pages and new links to sites daily.
MyConsumerGuide.com has developed partnerships with many sites, providing complete shopping and consumer guide services. Perhaps, you will see us around!
DIGG! (For this bailout plan!)
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7:47 AM
Labels: Christmas shopping, Cyber Monday, employment, MyConsumerGuide, online coupons, shopping online
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
When Hate is Acceptable?
A West Hollywood Halloween display showing a likeness of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin hanging by a noose has caused a furor among some residents who reported it as a hate crime, authorities said Monday. Los Angeles Times story
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9:05 AM
Labels: election, Halloween, hate, politics, presidential campaign, Sarah Palin, vice president, West Hollywood
Monday, October 27, 2008
California's New Yes on 8 Supporter
Posted by
9:16 AM
Labels: California, election, gay marriage, gays, homosexual, politics, Prop 8, Proposition 8, traditional marriage, Yes on 8
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Polling Joe Six-Pack?
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9:45 AM
Labels: debate, Democrats, editorial cartoon, Joe Biden, Joe Six-Pack, presidential campaign, Republicans, Sarah Palin, voting
Friday, September 12, 2008
Culture Wars and More
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8:11 AM
Labels: Alexander, Church and State, faith, media, political, presidential campaign, The Scrooge Report
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Elton John Dies in Rocketship...and Other Rockers
Top Ten Rock 'n' Roll Spam Headlines
I'll be honest...this is my junk blog...although in all "modesty" there's some nuggets in here on occasion. Speaking of which, I recently went searching for nuggets in the least likely of places: spam email subject headlines.
This spam headline in my email inbox at work not too long ago, Elton John Dies in Rocketship, had me laughing...and thinking: How much do those spam headline writers get paid?
Now, I know some of you will say "Ya, I get those, too! You know those erectile dysfunction spams and the like." Well, sure we all get those, but it is this rock 'n' roll play on stars, their song titles and lyrics that got me going.
So, around work we came up with some really good ones, like "John Mellencamp Crushed By Pink House," "Jon Bon Jovi Found Shot Through the Heart," "Bob Dylan Flattened By Rolling Stone," and "Otis Redding Found Floating Under Dock By the Bay."
My next step was to take this "assignment" to my buddies at BlogCatalog. We had lots of fun with it over there. Out of the more than 100 submissions, I decided to chose my picks for Top Ten. These are in no particular order and you'll see the winning BC member's blog name, linked up.
Without further adieu, here are the
Joe Walsh Shot By an Ordinary Average Guy
Making Love in an Elevator proves fatal for Aerosmith
Mattias Xpress
Big Shot Billy Joel arrested in Allentown with Uptown Girl
Jefferson Airplane Collides With Starship
The Electric Egg Cream
Billy Joel Goes to Extremes but Says He Didn't Start The Fire
Of Cabbages and Kings
Ozzy Osbourne Run Over by a Crazy Train
Tommy Buettner Blogging Sports
David Bowie Abducted by Life on Mars
Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely
James Taylor Flattened by Steamroller
Real World Connections
AC/DC Bus Crashes on Highway to Hell
Rob's Megaphone
Cat Stevens Run Over By Peace Train
Many thanks to all those who participated at BlogCatalog. There were many winners!
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: AC/DC, Aerosmith, Billy Joel, BlogCatalog, blogging, blogs, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Elton John, headlines, James Taylor, Joe Walsh, Ozzy Osbourne, rock stars, social networking, spam
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
This and That
It's been too long since I freshened things up in here...and too long since I updated you. So here we go! Be sure to check out Alexander, where you can really get into the devotionals by famous and not-so-famous Christian authors. I love them all, but let me recommend my Delayed Gratification post. Those of you in Alcoholics Anonymous or any type of recovery...or maybe even considering trying to kick an addiction should check it out!
The Scrooge Report is still rocking! Here's some highly recommended reading:
• The First Educated Opposition to Obama
• Mount Vernon Hosts ‘Expelled’ II
• Voting Out Alex
I will be having a health related blog soon. Meanwhile, you may want to check out MonaVie. It's something I've been drinking lately and its helped my health a lot. If you are not consistent with your premium fruits intake I highly recommend MonaVie.
MonaVie is a really good tasting and healthy mix of 19 energizing fruits -- including the Brazilian açai berry, one of nature's top superfoods.
The makers of MonaVie developed this product with the philosophy of Balance-Variety-Moderation. You'll get a nourishing beverage that delivers the essential phytonutrients and antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy. Go to mymonavie.com/alexander ...and stay tuned for my health blog!
Posted by
4:33 PM
Labels: acai berry, Alex Barton, Alexander, Barack Obama, Ben Stein, christianity, devotions, Expelled, fruits, health, John Freshwater, MonaVie, superfoods, The Scrooge Report
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bloggers Unite: Algeria and Christian Persecution
You still have a chance to visit the great work of bloggers in an effort called Bloggers Unite for Human Rights.
Here is my contribution:
Algeria: Carry a Bible, Go to Jail
While many of the cultural battles centered on religion in the U.S. involve legal positioning on church and state issues, very real physical persecution of faith exists in many other parts of the world.
A few websites monitor and report on these atrocities, many of which go with little mention or unreported in the mainstream media. Two sites whose mission includes reporting on religious persecution are Compass Direct News and Persecution Blog
Here’s a recent example of persecution. This from Compass Direct News:
ALGIERS, Algeria, May 9 – An Algerian Christian detained five days for carrying a Bible and personal Bible study books was handed a 300-euro (US$460) fine and a one-year suspended prison sentence last week, an Algerian church leader said.
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7:06 PM
Labels: Algeria, Bible, BlogCatalog, Bloggers Unite, blogs, christianity, Church and State, Human Rights, media, news, The Scrooge Report
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Expelled Rocking the 'Intelligent' World
Be sure to check out my post on the sudden new found hate of Ben Stein...and the ol' Intelligent Design anger as well at Educators, Bloggers Find an Inconvenient ‘Expelled’.
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11:37 AM
Labels: Ben Stein, Creationism, education, evolution, Expelled, Intelligent Design, movie trailer, movies
Monday, April 7, 2008
Eyeing the World With a Bright Light
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8:59 AM
Labels: Alexander, education, faith, headlines, humor, media, news, opinion, political, relationships, ScroogeReport, The Scrooge Report
Friday, March 28, 2008
Dance Party Friday
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9:55 AM
Labels: Dance Party Friday, Everybody Dance Now, humor, media, news, This Week's Top Scrooge, traffic, video, weather, YouTube
Thursday, March 20, 2008
America Gone Wild
As Ashley Dupre continues to wait for the dust to settle from her paid sexual liason with ex-NY Governor Eliot Spitzer via the Emperor's Club, there's only one question: How much will America pay her?
UPDATE: Video of Ashley's 2003 "Girls Gone Wild" encounter is now overflowing the pockets of the fresh out of prison, GGW founder Joe Francis. Ashley graces the porn site version of the video company on its homepage and subscription page...cost: $29.86 for one month.
Some guess that Ashley Dupre made $100,000 a month selling her body to high-paying clientele, including the now-resigned governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer. Reports include that her going rate was $1,000-per-hour.
However, that's chump change compared to what's being offered her now and probably in the near future as the result of her part in bringing down Spitzer and the pimping Emperor's Club.
Porn publishers at Penthouse magazine say they would "love to have her in the magazine" and would consider offering her a cover shot. Before Dupre's MySpace page was deleted Thursday, it had received 4,612,397 views and her song "What We Want" touted 711,334 plays, according to Reuters. Fox News reports that a million people have paid as much as $.98 apiece to download her song.
My question to America: Is the marketing and consumption of all-things Dupre "what we want?"
Leading media research analyst Neilsen//NetRatings, which tracks Internet traffic and trends reported a few years ago that more than 38 million people visited adult websites that year. America's obsession with sex is evidenced everywhere, including the proliferation of sexual performance enhancing drugs.
Will America be hooked on Dupre...and will she oblige?
Posted by
11:56 AM
Labels: Alexander, Ashley Dupre, Eliot Spitzer, Joe Francis, New York, news, porn industry, sex addiction, The Scrooge Report
Monday, March 10, 2008
Croskey Needs to Get Schooled
What's most shocking about the California state appellate court ruling that says parents that homeschool their children must have teaching credentials is the wording that goes with the decision.
Justice H. Walter Croskey wrote in a Feb. 28 opinion signed by the two other members of the district court:
"Parents do not have a constitutional right to home school their children."
What the heck? It's amazing how liberals are so opposed to big-brotherism, yet often have rulings and ideas that would lead to nothing but such.
Here's the lead in the L.A. Times:
Parents who lack teaching credentials cannot educate their children at home, according to a state appellate court ruling that is sending waves of fear through California's home schooling families.
Advocates for the families vowed to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. Enforcement until then appears unlikely, but if the ruling stands, home-schooling supporters say California will have the most regressive law in the nation.
Regressive, by the way, can mean "backward reasoning"...and this legislation certainly is. Talk about the manipulation of our most precious gift, children. Apparently, a group of California legislators feel they can do a better job of decision making in regards to what's best for our kids.
More from the Times:
"This decision is a direct hit against every home schooler in California," said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, which represents the Sunland Christian School, which specializes in religious home schooling. "If the state Supreme Court does not reverse this . . . there will be nothing to prevent home-school witch hunts from being implemented in every corner of the state of California."
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Alexander, California, education, H. Walter Croskey, homeschool, homeschooling, parents, schools, teacher, The Scrooge Report
Monday, February 25, 2008
What's Happening at The Scrooge Report?
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9:26 AM
Labels: Alexander, blogging, blogs, education, entertainment, faith, news, political, prayer, presidential campaign, ScroogeReport, This Week's Top Scrooge
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Brodsky Defends Peterson, Encourages 'Enjoyment' for Married Client
Suggested "Win a Date with Drew" radio contest by Brodsky takes the lawyer blunder top honor
"If she's entitled to be out there with another man, he's entitled to have some enjoyment in his life, too." - Attorney Joel Brodsky
This Week’s Top Scrooge - January 25, 2008
Worst defense attorney move ever just may well be the one made by the lawyer for alleged serial wife killer, Drew Peterson. Attorney Joel Brodsky and Peterson called WJMK-FM morning show host Steve Dahl and proposed the "Win a Date with Drew" game earlier this week.
Peterson, as you may recall, is suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife and has caused another look at the bathtub "accidental death" drowning death of his third wife.
Nevermind that Peterson shows zero concern for the disappearance of Stacy Peterson, whose case police call a possible homicide. Forget that Peterson has toyed with the media spotlight ever since the 23-year-old mother of his two children has been missing, and simply saying she ran off with another man. What kind of lawyer would defend this creep?
I'll tell you what kind. The kind that turns out to be just as creepy as his client.
This from NewsSunOnline.com:
Hours after radio host Steve Dahl agreed to the suggestion by Joel Brodsky, the attorney for former Bolingbrook police Sgt. Drew Peterson, WJMK-FM officials said the game would not take place.
"Steve never intended on doing this promotion or any promotion that would put his listeners in harm's way," station vice president/general manager Peter Bowen said in a prepared statement. "The dating game idea was conceived by Peterson and Brodsky, not by Steve Dahl or anyone else at the radio station."
OK. So radio host Steve Dahl is a little creepy, too. But This Week's Top Scrooge goes to Joel Brodsky.
It's his (alleged) murder and he'll play as he want to
Brodsky defended his client's planned participation in the radio show, saying that Peterson didn't do anything wrong and that he believes his wife just ran off with someone else.
"If she's entitled to be out there with another man, he's entitled to have some enjoyment in his life, too," Brodsky said.
Celebrity and creep defender chimes in
"It is still the mother of your children, and she's missing," defense attorney Mark Geragos said. "Besides being a bad idea for the criminal case, it's in incredibly poor taste."
Last add
Daniel Bibb, a private attorney who handled high-profile cases when he was a prosecutor in New York, also couldn't believe that Peterson was willing to participate in the competition.
"If I'm a prosecutor I'm salivating now. If I'm his attorney, I'm ready to commit suicide. I'm ready to quit," Bibb said.
Quit indeed...something Brodsky probably has no gumption to do...he's too creepy.
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Comment Here
Posted by
7:50 AM
Labels: Alexander, blogs, Drew Peterson, Joel Brodsky, law, media, radio shows, ScroogeReport, Stacy Peterson, Steve Dahl, The Scrooge Report, This Week's Top Scrooge
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Britney Watch Gets Wierd...er
Britney Spears paparazzi hit alltime low with ambulance chasing antics
This Week’s Top Scrooge
First, there was the Britney Death Poll contest introduced by a radio jock. Then, months of inane Britney videos and photos of her in cars, and getting in and out of cars. Now, photographers competing for the best ambulance shots featured photags literally chasing her ambulance Thursday night, sticking cameras in the emergency vehicle window.
As of Friday morning, Spears was still at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on a "5150 hold," meaning there's evidence she's a danger to herself or others, TMZ said. This news after the Los Angeles Police Department was called to Spears' home to investigate a custody dispute around 8 p.m. PST.
Iowa Caucus news ended last night with the Breaking Britney News and video of the shark attack-like scene of photographers. Close to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center a photographer can be seen trying to hang on to the back of the ambulance, camera in one hand, shooting inside through the window as the vehicle approaches.
One on-scene reporter from a major cable news channel said she felt sick watching the meltdown of Britney unfolding before the parasitic media. Understandably so.
This Week's Top Scrooge goes to news agencies driven by Britney exploitation. It got ugly and I hope it doesn't get worse.
Get your ScroogeReport T-shirts, coffee mugs, and more - visit CafePress now!
Posted by
6:25 PM
Labels: Britney Spears, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, celebrity, news, opinion, paparazzi, The Scrooge Report, This Week's Top Scrooge
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Headlines at The Scrooge Report
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9:12 AM
Labels: blogging, blogosphere, blogs, headlines, internet, news, ScroogeReport, The Scrooge Report, This Week's Top Scrooge